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Fabric Fold: The History Of Fintech In 60 Seconds

Here is the history of fintech in 60 seconds:

Very early origins of fintech can be traced back to the advent of computer systems and the growth of electronic banking in the financial services industry in the 70's and 80's.

The timeline of the evolution of the tech industry is really fascinating, starting with the early 1990's and 2000's when electronic banking and online stock trading platforms were born.

Then in 2005 to 2010 mobile payments and P2P lending platforms came on the scene.

Then in 2010 to 2015 with digital currencies and crowd funding.

In 2015 to 2020 Robo advisors and digital banking.

And finally 2020 to present digital insurance, open banking, digital securities and online lending.

And that is the history of fintech in 60 seconds.